Monday, September 24, 2012

Vocabulary: Fall List #6

Adroit- expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body.
Football players have to be adroit.

Amicable- characterized by or showing goodwill, friendly.
She is very amicable.

Averse- having a strong feeling of opposition.
I'm averse about that penalty call.

Belligerent- warlike.
MMA fighters are very belligerent people.

Benevolent- expressing goodwill or kindly feelings.
Some people are very benevolent.

Cursory- going rapidly over something.
Don't be cursory when it comes to special things.

Duplicity- an act or instance of such deceitfulness.
I feel so much duplicity of what happened.

Extol- to praise highly.
Young people extol you very much.

Feasible- capable of being done.
That task is very feasible.

Grimace-  a twisted expression on a persons face.
You made a grimace face when you saw that picture.

Holocaust- a great or complete devastation or destruction.
The war was very holocaust like.

Impervious- not penetrable.
The wall was very impervious.

Impetus- the force, energy, or momentum with which the body moves.
I saw the impetus of your arm.

Jeopardy- danger of loss, harm, or failure.
Your life was in jeopardy.

Meticulous- showing great attention to detail.
You are very meticulous when it comes to washing your car.

Nostalgia- a sentimental longing for the past.
I feel the effects of nostalgia.

Quintessence- the most perfect or typical of a quality or class.
That car is quintessence.

Retrogress- to go back to an earlier state, typically a bad one.
You shouldn't go to a retrogress state.

Scrutinize- examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.
My boss scrutinizes my work very much.

Tepid- only slightly warm.
My shower water is tepid.

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